Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Deadlines and dates for your diary!

Those of you who are re-sitting your Foundation Portfolio must apply for a resit form in September.

The deadline for completion of the whole of this work is Friday 26th November 2010 - this gives me time to mark it and allow you to make any changes necessary before Christmas.

Remember that you will be completing your A2 coursework at this time too, so the more you do over the summer, the better for you!

Any problems then contact me - anne.horne@gmail.com

Have a good summer x

Monday, 28 June 2010


This is the resit home page for G321 Print Foundation Portfolio. Use this page to help with your questions and make comments on yours and others' work. This is to help prevent the same mistakes you made last time.

Remember to keep in close contact with me throughout as I will once again be your examiner!

Mrs H :)